Anatomy of a Lesson

Each chapter contains between ten and fifteen lessons conveniently divided into five days. The fifth day is reserved for testing and evaluation, but also contains an internet research project designed for students to further explore the chapter material. Each lesson will require 15-60 minutes to read and complete, but students can work at their own pace.

The first page of every chapter in the teacher’s guide contains a summary of lesson objectives, materials needed, common core requirements met, and daily lesson titles with links (pdf version only). The second page contains a table of contents for the chapter.

Each day has a theme, which is displayed at the top of the header. Individual lessons are numbered according to their order within the chapter. There are four basic typesettings you will see. The red italicized typesetting contains instructions for you, the teacher. The black/gray text is a transcript of material in the student workbook with emphasized points appearing centered in a larger font. The bold red font is used for answers to the exercises and is not present in the student workbook for obvious reasons.